Why You Should Be Reading the Jedi Academy Series – The Phantom Bully (Spoiler-Free Book Review)

Maybe this book is called The Phantom Bully because it bullies it’s way unknowingly into your heart.  Not really unknowingly if you’ve read the other books in the series.  Jeffrey Brown has crafted yet another fun, easy-to-read tale about the … Continue reading Why You Should Be Reading the Jedi Academy Series – The Phantom Bully (Spoiler-Free Book Review)

Jeffrey Brown Talks About Return of the Padawan, Goodnight Darth Vader, and His Star Wars Future

Earlier this year, I had the chance to interview Jeffrey Brown about his two Darth Vader parenting books, Darth Vader and Son and Vader’s Little Princess. He won an Eisner award (the comics equivalent of the Oscars) for Darth Vader … Continue reading Jeffrey Brown Talks About Return of the Padawan, Goodnight Darth Vader, and His Star Wars Future